OUR History

Pastor Daniel Cruz had his first official service in 1991 in a borrowed sanctuary at 1905 W. Schiller St in Chicago. On a cold Saturday night with a portable Neon Sign hanging over the altar that read The FUN CHURCH this ministry was born. In that very first service two people gave their hearts to Christ – a young lady and a member of the Latin Kings street gang who was at the service that night because Pastor Daniel had witnessed to him earlier that very day.  


Two things set our church apart in the early 90’s

1. That we originally named our church FUN which was never heard of in Chicago

2. And that we had services on Saturday Nights as opposed to Sunday


Saturday after Saturday we gathered, we eventually added Tuesday nights and Thursday nights and the Lord gave us steady growth. By our third year we had gained the attention of all the major newspapers in Chicago. We were featured in the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun-times. We were also featured on a television program. All of this attention, because the name of our Church was FUN, in 2001 our church name became Faithworld.


Since then many people have been added to our Church, along with a wonderful Eldership who are more like friends than a ministry team.


In 2015 we sold our Church building on Fullerton Ave and moved to the more spacious in Logan Square at 2840 N. Logan Ave for Sunday Worship Services. We have also purchased two Church buildings which will house our Prayer Center and Youth Center as well as a Church site for our Future Spanish speaking ministry and a Saturday Night Service.